February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Twenty-one years ago Jake was born. Twenty years later we started dating. (If you aren't catching on...today is his 21st Birthday and our One Year Anniversary)

It was a long awaited journey...if you have about ten minutes, you can go to either of our Facebooks and read the note called "Our Story". It was written by Jake and was his point of view of how we got to where we are now. It makes me cry every time I read it.

I never in a million years thought that I could love someone as much as I love Jake, and I can't believe that with every day that passes, I love him even more than the day before.

I am so proud of everything he has accomplished and I can't wait to see where God takes him. He is graduating a year early (this May) and Glass Envelope is going on a massive tour to start their journey to become rockstars. He writes the most beautiful songs and he has a kick ass imitation of Ron Burgundy hehe...

I love you sooo much baby and I have cherished every single day that God has given me to be with you-even when we are 3 hours away from each other! I hope today has been a great day...even if you are stuck in Clay Center...and I can't wait for many more years to come with you!

P.S. I made this card with a free kit from Two Peas in a Bucket! Love this!

(Left is the back and Right is the Front of card)


1 comment:

Neely said...

A few things . . .
I love that website.
Happy birthday to your Hubs. =) (I said hubs, yes.)
The mustache picture made me lolz.
AND I miss you!