January 19, 2009

Nic + Lisa Part 1

Here is just the beginning of Nic and Lisa's big day! Jake came and second shot with me which was AMAZING! For those of you who know Jake, he is not a photographer, he is a rocking musician (www.myspace.com/glassenvelope) BUT he rocked it! Some of my favorite shots were by him! I couldn't believe how well he did!!! I think I will be using him more often... =)
Enjoy the first part of their photos! I had a great times shooting these two!

Isn't she precious!? This was taken by Jake!
Below is another taken by Jake!
One of the greatest moments I have been involved in is the couple's first sight. It is so amazing to see the look on the grooms face when he sees his bride for the first time. You can just feel all of the emotion and love between the two. Simply beautiful.

This one above was a shot Jake snapped while I was doing the group photos! I think it was one of his favorites =)
All of these below are Jake's shots:

My absolute favorite of the whole day....taken by Jake!

1 comment:

Lyndsay Almeida said...

AMAZING! i love every one of these images. you (and jake) seriously rocked this wedding. :)