April 9, 2009



1. Constantly compare yourself to other artists.

2. Talk to your family about what you do and expect them to cheer you on.

3. Base your success of your entire career on one project.

4. Stick with what you know.

5. Undervalue your expertise.

6. Let money dictate what you do.

7. Bow to societal pressures.

8. Only do work that your family would love.

9. Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/investor asks.

10. Set unachievable overwhelming goals to be accomplished by tomorrow.

I have been guilty of each of these at least once! Ha...I found this from another blogger. Thought I'd share. Which ones are you guilty of??

Now on to inspiring things...

1. Polyvore
I just recently became an addict to www.polyvore.com. The first time I went to it I was on it for almost three hours. There are so many creative people out there, and what better way to show your artistic side than with fashion in the mix? Go there at your own risk!

Here are a few sets I made:

2. Film
I am so in love with film, yet the last time I used it was for a photo class last year. I haven't taken my film camera with me on a shoot, but this weekend I plan on doing it. When I was younger I used to take my mom's Minolta around outside taking shots of the most random things. I felt like a photographer when I did it! You would just laugh if you saw those photos now!

Film leaves you guessing. I love that. It's like Christmas when you get your photos developed. Sometimes you get what you want, and other times you wish you had gotten something better. It's a new challenge I plan on taking.

My Weapons of Choice:

Minolta X-700

Holga CFN 120 (With color wheel) This is my new love. Can't wait to play with it!

3. My Business

Once upon a time I started a myspace page for my photography. www.myspace.com/beautifulisolations. Ya, I was one of those kids. Haha... Three years later I have started an actual business that keeps growing because of all of you! I love photography and will do it till my fingers can't move anymore thanks to arthritis.
Awhile ago, with the help of Jarrett Fuller, we made these pretty little business cards just in time for spring! Now I just need to get them printed.



4. Travel
I have never had such a desire as I do right now to travel. I want to just get up and go. Go anywhere, for any amount of time. Just a journey to wherever the road takes me...

5. Cheap goodies...especially clothes =)
While I was home for spring break our local consignment shop was having their $1 bag day. They give you a bag, you stuff it with as much goodies (clothes) as possible, and it's only $1. The best day of the month if you ask me. I got a few dresses and a cardigan.

Here were two of my finds...

Don't you just love my high quality photos form photo boot? =)

My weekend has officially started! Tomorrow I am heading to McPherson to take Glass Envelope's photos. A huge post will be up next week talking all about it. Then Saturday Jake and I are going home to Clay for Easter with our families. There will be yummy food involved. Then back to Pitt for another week of classes. Summer is sooo close and I can't wait!


Neely said...

I am guilty of all of those. Your cards are cute. and so are you. I will never stop being jealous of you.

Jaclyn Marie said...

Oh my gosh that website IS addictive!!!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

love the #1 and 2.... i always talk photo talk with my poor hubby... he just dosent get it... but i dont get accounting..
and love love love ur new cards.. if u dont already have one whcc has killer press products.. and nice pearl paper rep cards which i use as business cards.. good luck...

One Love Photo said...

Guilty as charged above! Great list that we all need to be reminded about every so often. Have FUN shooting film!

Kelley WC said...

1. omg, that list is amazingly accurate. i've pretty much been guilty of all of those in the last week!! :-)

2. polyvore is fabulous and i foresee many wasted hours ahead of me ;-)

3. you definitely should travel. right now. :-) i'm with you on the "bug" - i just caught it too! i'm about to take my first out-of-country trip to south africa - i leave a week from tuesday!!

4. that $1 day is pretty much the most awesome thing i've ever heard of...i wanna go!!

wrecklessgirl said...

oooo...i<3yourclothes. lots. i'll be back in KC soon!