February 26, 2009

Shoot Day Photos

Can you say HOT?!

More to come from Kelley and Josh's shoot day...

Here are some of the other photographers behind the scene shots! So much fun!

Mingling before we get started in Josh and Kelley's studio!

The epic walking shot...Josh was laying on the ground snapping a few of us looking HOT =)

Yes...that is our models in the middle of the street. Cars went around us and no one was harmed hehe!

Josh's group shotting with off lighting...so sweet!


Anonymous said...

GIRL you are FAST! Look at you...hot photos!!!

Sarah said...

HA! It's because I have been working since 8am and I have literally nothing else better to do here! Gotta love it!

Josh said...

dang...i hate being late to post :)

these look great! I'm glad you made it out and I can't wait to see more of your images from yesterday.

Kelley WC said...

You're just about the cutest thing I've ever met, first off! I'm so glad you came out - and thank you so much for your fantastically sweet posts below :-) It really made my day to see those!

Pics look great - can't wait to see the rest!!

Neely said...

I don't think I'll ever stop being jealous of you.

Claire Ryser said...

Wow girlie!!!! These are GREAT!!!! It was so nice to meet you yesterday! It's so awesome to see the different shots everyone got.

Nicole McLaughlin said...

These are insane!!! Love them!!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Sarah!!! These are awesome. :)