Christmas has come and gone, classes start back up Thursday, and time just keeps ticking.
I had an eye opening Christmas break...
First off- Christmas has become SO much about gifts. It has become this materialistic showdown and it has really sickened me. What ever happen to just the pure joy of spending time with loved ones? Why have we become so selfish?
Secondly- I realized that one of the HARDEST things I have ever done is be nice to someone who has hurt me. It took all of me to not just blow up, but through my family and friends God opened my eyes this break. He helped me realize that being rude or doing anything to retaliate back to someone out of revenge would only serve as instant gratification and solve nothing (No matter how badly I wanted to!). God is the only one in control and he will take care of everything.
On my way back to Pittsburg I was thinking about what had happened over break and what I was going to do about it. Its a four hour drive so I had a lot of time to think about it. I had almost reached Pittsburg when all of the sudden I got this text message from an unknown number. It said "God told me to tell you that everything your going through is taken care of." I instantly broke down in tears. I looked at the text again and I missed the end that said something like "if you believe in God send this to 10 people or else you will have bad luck," so then I just kind of laughed. But regardless, I knew that it was completely true.
God will take care of everything. It won't happen that second or even that day, but he knows what he is doing, and if you talk to him he will be there.
Examining my life the past few months I have noticed that God hasn't been my number one priority. I haven't been living through Him. I have been so saturated in working and school and life in general that I have literally put God on the back burner. I need him more than ever right now and I have just gone to him when there has been a problem.
Do you ever just talk to God? Thank Him for such a beautiful day, or tell him about something good or bad that just happened? God is the best listener out there and I just can't believe that I would ever put Him second. I need to spend more time with Him and I feel so selfish for putting myself before Him.
I'm sorry for the completely random blog, but I have noticed that posting my problems has been a very therapeutic remedy. I also know that there are some of you that can relate to what I am going through. It is also nice to look back and see how God has worked in me after a post.
Love and peace to you all. Hope you are enjoying the last bit of your break.
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