November 13, 2008

Am I Crazy?

So it is that time of the semester when we enroll for the Spring. I currently have two jobs and so i have been trying to figure out how two jobs plus 18 hours of classes are going to work...

[Click this bad boy below to enlarge so you can actually read it]So am I crazy to be working that much with my classes? I wish I could hit the FF button on The Remote of Life. Does anyone know where I can find one of those?


I have not posted new photos or blogs for what seems like FOREVER! Never fear, I am only doing this for your well being =) My website is set to launch this month and I want you all to see my newest work on it. After it launches I will be going blog crazy with all of my recent shoots. Erin and Matt's Wedding, Melody's Sr. Photos, The Reed Family, Kadavy Family...just to name a few. But until the site is photos! =) Sorry!!!

A few more things to ramble on about...
I have some really really REALLY exciting news to share...but guess what? I CAN'T!!!!! AHHH it's going to drive me crazy! Once I can spill the won't be able to miss it! So keep a look out for it!

I could really use some prayers about the next semester and basically my future haha... It's just crazy how busy we can fill our lives up and I am realizing that I really need to eliminate a few things in mine. How can you truly enjoy something when you are busy 90 percent of your days? I also need some major time management and organization help. It is essential for photographers and I am lacking it like crazy right now. So if you are praying to the Big Guy today I'd really appreciate you adding me to your list =)

A Few Things I Can't Get Enough Of This Week...

Peggy Sue
I am officially addicted to their music.

I just started last weekend and now I'm hooked! (no pun intended!)
I wish I could say I made that rug....but I didn't! Maybe some day!
photo from

Seriously Mouth Watering....
The best dessert I have had from Olive Garden. Seriously AMAZING!

Well...I have officially posted the longest blog on here haha.
I hope you all are enjoying what is left of this beautiful fall!


Anonymous said...

I thought maybe you just fell off the face of the earth or something! haha

I have an idea to help with your time management/organizational problems...I'll give you a hint: it starts with "i" and ends in "Phone." Plus, it has a built in camera, so it all works out! hahaha..

Good luck!

Neely said...

Post-It notes help me. I put them all over the inside of my planner.

And I'm jealous of you.
As always. Nothing new.

But if you're crazy for all that you're doing, then I need to be locked up for taking 24 hours next semester. I haven't decided if I'm quitting my job yet. I'm going to try not to.

Lyndsay Almeida said...

yes. you are officially crazy! hopefully you won't completely disappear! hang in there.

Linnie said...

I would just focus on keeping your priorities straight. With me school always came first, that might be where I would start. But yes you are crazy and have too much on your plate!! But I think I'm getting to be the same way, but at least I only have a month left of school. You have a couple years!! Don't forget to take time out for yourself! You don't want to get too stressed out and get burnt out on photography and forget why you love it!